Saturday, June 30, 2007
Supremes speak on schools
The court ruled that race many not be the only factor that is used to assign students to a school. Under the circumstances, that is good law and good policy too. We liberals are a bit slow to catch on that the world is much different than 50 years ago when public schools were largely divided on race, and black folks went to inferior schools.
It was thought that white people would never pay to improve schools attended by blacks unless their children went there too. So, we had integration. The high court did not take into account the amazing resourcefulness of parents whose way of life is threatened. The result is a system which is, in many cases, just as segregated as before.
The good news is that society is much different today, and is not headed back. Diversity is good, but it is not an end by itself. Academic success should always be the goal. That should not need saying.
Every child should have an equal shot at the best programs and be able to attend a quality school. The rest will take care of itself.
(Broadcast June 29, 2007)
Your commments here are right on!
5:02 PM
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