Friday, December 09, 2005
Entergy appeal for New Orleans aid rejected
Friday, December 9, 2005; 7:48 PM
The Washington Post is running a story which will probably make a dent on Arkansas ratepayers. Shades of Grand Gulf as Arkansans pay for out-of-state power generation. Entergy claims (correctly) that the feds have some responsibility for the levee system, which failed and caused the floods which destroyed Entegy's generators.
Feds are suddenly concerned about propping up corporations with taxpayer money. Strangely, that rule seems not to apply for Haliburton contracts.
Entergy is probably wrong, but it would seem more likely that the Republican Bush administration is doing everything possible to make sure that New Orleans does not return as a hotbed of racial minorities and Democrats. Keep money intended for hurricane relief tied up in Washington. That's the GOP game plan.
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