Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Bad news for Broyles, CONFIRMED, UPDATE

FoxSports.com reports that Dana Altman is staying at Creighton.

I am speechless. Maybe it is wrong.

Frank will not be having much fun in Augusta.

Omaha World Herald running with FOX story.

Further UPDATE: So-called fans are being scolded by Rick and Randy. Callers will be required to state exactly what Altman may have learned about "the program" that would cause him to leave.

And there are always those bad folks who simply will not be spoon fed whatever the Razorback Foundation swells pour down their throats.

Rick also got into his patented "poor Houston Nutt" whine.

DTS reports that Altman is in a meeting at the Fayetteville campus, possibly with Chancellor John White. A Creighton basketball team meeting has been called for 8 pm. Altman is expected to return to Omaha this evening.

AND ON TOP OF IT ALL, I am sure that we can expect for Dana Altman to stand up in Omaha and tearfully announce the explicit reasons for a decision which he must find deeply embarrassing. If he is any kind of man, and I think he probably is a good man, he will blame it all on himself and take complete responsibility while heaping praise on Broyles. Perhaps he may even suggest that he is not good enough to walk in the hallowed steps on Nolan Richardson. it is all damage control and the kind of decent good manners we would expect from any serious adult.

Why did Altman leave?

Homesickness and strong emotional connections to Creighton.

A bit of culture shock Creighton is a Jesuit college, as I recall, and has academic standards. A different kind of kid plays at Creighton.

Fan reaction was not positive. People feel (rightly) that the Athletic Department is steeped in nepotism, croneyism, and deceit. Altman, being an unknown, requires a bit of getting used to.

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FINAL CONFIRMATION, from the Omaha Times Herald.

Less than 24 hours after accepting the head basketball coaching job at Arkansas, Dana Altman has decided to return to Creighton, sources at both universities have confirmed to The World-Herald late this afternoon. Altman was expected to fly back to Omaha tonight. A Creighton players meeting was scheduled for 9 p.m. on campus.

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