Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hunger in Arkansas?

Years ago, when President Reagan began the slash-and-burn polices of Republican government, he made great to-do over the so-called social safety net. Of course, most of us knew that was a big joke from the beginning. Over the past 27 years, the federal government has waged war against the middle class taxpayer while handing over generous benefits to oil companies, Mexican manufacturers, insurance companies, Halliburton, and the ultra-wealthy.

Some revealing numbers came to light about hunger in Arkansas last week on account of poor folks coming to the capitol hat-in-hand for a few legislative crumbs; before the Senate brotherhood steals whatever is left of the surplus of themselves. One-quarter of Arkansas’ children live in poverty and one of eight older people here need to chose between medicine and food.

I note that State Rep. Steve Harrelson is introducing HB2091 to Joint Budget soon, which appropriates $100,000 for hunger relief projects statewide. It’s for the Hunger Relief Alliance and it could have been double, so far as I am concerned.

Sure hope FEMA does not find out about this and make giving aid to our poor folks another reason not to declare Dumas a disaster area.

(Broadcast March 9, 2007)

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