Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What a state the union is in!

Tonight is the State of the Union Message. I have been watching these since they started putting them on television, which must have been back in the days of LBJ. They have been, for the most part, tedious.

Reagan stared using these messages to point out heroes and to do his shameless flirtation with the television cameras. Nothing wrong with a little raw politics. There used to be a guy from Mississippi named, if memory serves, Fishbait Miller, who was doorkeeper of the House of Representatives. For decades his drawling announcement of the President was a reassuring tradition, and a highlight.

There has not been a good State of the Union speech since Clinton left office. What is coming tonight is not a pretty picture with President Bush’s numbers in the tank. I might as well admit to feeling sorry for him. If he is in a mess, we are all in a mess. Most Americans do not even think the President is honest.

His approval ratings, which are by no means Bible, are at Nixon levels. Even Senator John Warner, the mega Republican from Virginia has jumped the Iraq ship. Now, we are almost entirely committed to getting out. That is the right thing, but it will not be easy and the cost may be surprisingly high. I am sincerely wishing the President the best.

(Broadcast January 23, 2007)

His name was Fishbait Miller; he was my grandfather. It's good to see he is still remembered!
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