Friday, January 19, 2007
Hoofman for Highways
Hoofman was a state senator from North Little Rcok and, as I recall, did a respectable job. He had a small incident involving alcohol, an automobile and his demonstrable ability to speak Spanish. Nobody is perfect and it seems that he took his medicine.
There is some speculation that this appointment may mean a little lift for a big North Little Rock development that will require a little help from the Highway Department. The Bass Pro Shop, in addition to stealing millions from the local school district, will create an engineering and traffic flow nightmare near what many people call the “big church.” That roadwork could amount to $20 million and, if the state picks up the tab, that is nothing but another subsidy for greedy outsiders.
While we have a lot of traffic congestion in central Arkansas, I know folks in other parts of the state would like some highway improvements, and they sure deserve it. I hope Cliff Hoofman plays it right down the middle.
(Broadcast January 19, 2007)