Thursday, December 28, 2006

EMERGENCY City Board Meeting... LIVE

Here is what I typed and posted "on the fly." Max's report on the Arkansas Times Blog is much more complete. He especially sets the scene with Dailey and Kumpuris. Here is what I reported earlier...PLEASE forgive the spelling and typos.

So they are taking no comments from ordinary people. Figures.

Kumpuris is presenting.

And the city board just accepts that Barry Travis purchased a $25,000 car for $1,500? am I misinterpreting this? Joan Adcock asked about the auto allowence of other LRCVB employees and, naturally, Dr. Dean did not have the info.

An inordinate amount of time is being wasted with the LR - Houston comparison. Apples and Oranges. Let us grant that LR has more revenue and faciliites which must be operated. Move on.

Keck is questioning.

Q: Is there now a policy on appropriate travel and entertainment expenses.

A: 12 AmEx cares in use in 2003. It is now 3. Employyes use personal credit care to pay for room dinner or whatever. Employees fill out a form for reinvursement with details. "Conformity is not 100%" One credit card is being taken away and a travel agency is being employed. Kympuris is now filibustering on how each expense may not have a direct immediate result. Most of us understand this. Move on.

Cazort is asking about proportions of expense types versus number of emploees.

A: Vanilla answer. Is disproportionate. More is spent on dining and entertainment.

Q: about car allowences and reinbursement.

A: policy is in place. Do we do a good job of keeping it? no.

Q: biding guidelines

A: no answer.

Adcock questions

Q: Has the finances of the A&P been discussed with the commission members?

A: every month (Daily chiles in)

Q:: Have personal expenses on an A&P credit card been paid back?

A: will have to find out

Q: Adcock asks whether any money comes back to the City?

A: Kumpuris says we never get more money than we can spend. Revenue stable till Clinton Library came in but has gone up by $7 million. Has gone back into funds which needed to be repleted. This has to do with state turnback funds. Very obtuse question and answer.

Q $7 Million over 3 years is $21 million....

A: Really not $21 million...big math answer..."surplus" dollars?

Adcock is trying to find out if, and when, city government might get actualy revenue from the A&P revenue funds. I think this is based on the sharp increase in revenue.

Adcock: the City is not getting a dollar from the A&P

Stewart questions now.

Q: Is staff responsible for the "mistakes?"

Bruce Moore answers ..

City HR Dept handles those functions for A&P. When there is a vacancy, City HR advertises and screens applicants. City Attorney is reviewing practices. Also purchasing procedures. Those procedueres have been in place and have not been folllowed. None of our City Hall employees were involved.

What will change?

Daily passes around a proposed resolution which might be acted on today.

Kumpuris... A&P tax receipt has gone up (I think) 2 million a year...very confusing...

Wyrock ... technical budget question about LRCVB

A: Kumpuris - almost 2,8 million to 3.5 for Sales and Marketing. Finance and Adm Apros 3 million

Q Who enforces polcies
A: Dan Byrne

Q: why were the polices not followed?
A: may not have been in every instance...yadayadayada...

Q there is someone between Dan and the person spending AP money?
A: Supervisors approve

Q: 21 people in Sales and Marketing, how many supervisors?
A: don't know

Q; What experience does Mr. Byrne have with public funding?
A this led ot a lof ot these problems. Dan is from the private sector. When ......

Q: how long has he been there?
A: less than 2 years

Kumpuris contiues.. he cane in during a period hwen we had one agency which we were spending allthe money with...almost $1 million ... we shoud develop expertise internally..."we" is the staff

Q: never saw any bids?
A: Dailey.. just saw recommendations on contracts
Kumpuris... was spreading funds done according to policy...

Q: how did you get that info to the commission... how did you know that?
A: what we talked about was the principle of whether ot have a large group or expertise as needed...I can not tell you if I ever thought why we are not seeing a contract...the princple was discussed on how we do it.. the biggest lapse in the system... never a time where bidding was done correctly... no question it was not done the right way.

Q: was are Sales and Marketing salaries and paerks
A: would have to look it up

Q: all audits.. contain affirmative statememnt.. "all state laws on bidding were complied with" you know if management ever requested legal advice?
A: no I don't

Q: does the commisison have an attorney?
A: yes... (did not say who?)

Adcock to Moore

Q: are City HR and AP following all practices...including repremands and dismissal?
A: not that I am aware of... odd answer and question. Could I have misunderstood?

Moore... AO not a dept of city.. we do not make hiring and firing decisions... we are the conduit...

Q: has AP requested info in repremands or dismissal
A: Dailey - no

Cazort question...
Resolution authorizes city attorney to interact with AP to investigate. What authority does the city have to force the AP to act as we wish them.

Carpenter offers a memo to board.

Legislature passed the AP Commission Act.. set up how Commission is organized...Money can not flow from AP to the city general fund by statue. We can not run the AP commission and impose the tax. City is mandated to create the commision and approves commissioneers.

Two attorney general opinions say the AP does not have to follow city policy. "Does not make sense." Carpenter says this opinion violates the Home Rule Act. (this is getting thick). Carpenter says he belives the AP is bound by city policies. (He makes a good argument. Somebody down there makes sense.)

Cazort question....
State law does not provide for removing commissioneers.

Cazort...asks Carpenter to explain resolution...

Carpenter... references DG stories...outcry by editorial page and opinion writers...letters to editor...most of the problems seem to be failure to comply with fiscal and purchasing polcies....resolution...internal working group...manager, finance director, and city attorney...find out if there are violations? why are they there/ remedy? get suggestions...

Carpenter draws a comparison to AP contracts and towing contracts.. (now, THAT is unsetteling.)

Would allow businesses (eg, restaurants) to rotate in getting business.

Cazort.. what power does the city board have to get compliance from AP?
Carpenter: removal of commissioneers or director

Kumpuris... start having boards have a lawyer in Tom Carpenters office...
Cazort... they need to put out bids for legal service...
Kumpuris...City Atty could hire other attorneys to do the work.
Cazort...bidding practices for advertising and restaurants ....

Wyrick... abut removing members of AP commission...not followed fiscal and purchasing processes...why would that not constitue removal now?

Carpenter... there is no procedure in the AP stature, so we would have to set a cause and allow commisisoners to set a defense... remove commissioneers could breach covenents made with bond holders and could impact city bond rating... urges caution

Cazort... how to fill positions... discusses with Carpenter

Keck...amend resolution...beyond purchasing procedueres and practices....also include leases and services... travel and entertainment policy...reinbursement guidelines...

Bruce Moore....Tues major software conversion project... will need all of January to comply with resolution...Jam 30 deadline....passed...

Adcock.. public wants quick action... is there anything to assure things will be different at AP?

Daily... during the next 3 days that will be the case... light is shining brightly...

Adcock would like everythign put on hold...including WLR lease...and Kurin Hall...could this board sned a letter to put things on holld till the report comes back...

Daily... get Bruce to send letter to Dan...put that attitude in writing..

Stewart... does working group include Moore and HR?
A" yes
Recommendations will come back to city board second meeting in Feb.

Reading resolution....adopted....Daily is ready to leave....

Moore is listing members of the AP commission term expiration date.
Wyrick... we are leaving these commissioners in place?

Daily.. the way to handle that...need executive session..
Wyrock remove commissioneers no... Kumpuris... no...Daily... no TIE...
(forces of darkness win again)

Cazort is in the chair. Daily left.

Fortson.. called for independent investigation.. (completely glowwed things over)

Adcock to Fotson...last week you pointed to documents sayhting policies were followed... what happened..

Answer... auditing procedures were unclear... may have relied on employees representations...

discussing two new members to be named to AP in January...

Moore...Corn Hall... confident an agreement will be put in place...had a meeting yesterday...agreement with QQA (quapaw quarter assn?)


More of the same.... what is that coming down on my head? Is it raining?


fyi... O'byrne has been at the cvb since 2002. He was hired as chief marketing officer. He was named Travis' replacement as CEO in February 2005. He's been public sector for almost five years --
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