Thursday, November 09, 2006

No psycic on duty here

If you paid any attention to my election predictions, I can only say, “I told ya’ so.” That crystal ball is just plain busted and I should give up on it. Another thing I plan on doing a lot less of is getting into the strategic aspects of politics, unless I really know what is going on. There are guys and gals who do that stuff and make really good bucks.

But honestly, I thought the governor’s race was close. I had no idea it would be 14 percentage points of separation. I really thought Woody Anderson and Stubby Stumbaugh would be more potent. Wrong again. I was right about Halter and McDaniel, but that is just following the pack. In the race of the buddies,

I thought Pulaski County Judge Buddy Villines was in for a nasty surprise. Color me stupid. If I did not mention it here, I thought the Little Rock Mayor’s raace would go to a runoff, but I don’t guess any of us expected Mark Stodola to put away a tidy victory in just one day’s work.

I certainly had no idea that Democrats would show the kind of strength they mustered in the national elections. In the future, I will restrict myself to weighty constitutional and theological questions, and advice for Houston Nutt. We spend too much time on the horse race, and I am among the guiltiest.

(Broadcast November 9, 2006)

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