
Monday, November 27, 2006

Cleaning off the desk

Since we have all been away for the past few days, this is a good time to clear our desktops.

Great game. The Hogs were in it till the end. LSU has an amazing defense and may prove tougher than Florida. As long as there is a BCS system, Arkansas will not be in the running for a national title. If we continue to play competitively, we will get respect that goes with it. That is what matters

I still can not figure out why it’s against the law to sell a commodity for what it is worth. Oh, that’s right. The moral high-grounders arrested eight capitalists at the Stadium Friday instead of investigating Little Rock’s record number of murders. Nice work.

Our Convention and Visitor’s bureau shows a shocking lack of good judgment in its’ lovely $25, 000 parting gift for retiring director Barry Travis.

On another matter, if people come to your front door claiming to be selling magazine to win a trip to Mexico, do not open the door. Marie had a go-round with this bunch and they are bad people. Period.

The highway department is doing a lot of work on Highway 65, especially north of Marshall. That is going to be so cool when it is finished. The Mexican restaurant on 65 in Marshall is good.

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