Saturday, October 14, 2006

Damn Commie Methodists

OK, it was just a little satire. Now that I have your attention, check out one of the typically brilliant letters to the editor in today's Democrat-Gazette. This one is really special so read it through. This one is also an audience participation question. I will want readers to take part, so here goes.

In contesting Gov. Mike Huckabee’s proposed tax structure, a couple wrote to suggest “taxation” based upon “To whom much is given, much is required.” Is not their proposition identical to that of Karl Marx, i.e., “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need” ?
Further, their proposed plan would seem to be a heavy progressive or graduated income tax. Again, is this not the precise proposal advanced by Marx in his Manifesto of the Communist Party?
My concern is that the couple were careful to point out that they are of the United Methodist persuasion. Is one to draw from this the conclusion that the Methodist Church supports communist or socialist dogma?
I certainly hope that most, if not all, of my many Methodist friends would denounce any such idea. Perhaps your correspondents would care to clarify this matter, perhaps with the assistance of their pastor.
Bella Vista

Now, the trivia question for Bible students and other highly intelligent readers of this increasingly popular blog. Name, if you can, which colorful and controvercial charector of Holy Writ also said something very similar to Mr. Bender's quote “To whom much is given, much is required”?

Extra points for exact citations.

And you Methodists, what kind of socialistas are you people anyway?

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