Wednesday, July 19, 2006

More on Beebe

Today, I would like to follow up on my column in Monday’s Democrat-Gazette. Besides terrorizing Asa Hutchinson and his new playmate, Rudy Guiliani, there is the matter of Attorney General Mike Beebe.

The news is that his fundraising has recently topped $4 million. This is probably a record for a statewide race in Arkansas. The folks at the Beebe campaign must be congratulating themselves on the invulnerable position of the candidate. My Monday column was meant to be a little “reality check.”

Let me grab the radio sledgehammer and pound home my point. A guy who cannot even tap dance his way around the gay foster parent issue is something of an inept candidate. Mike Beebe is untested and he could lose this election. Asa Hutchinson may be an unattractive candidate, but he has Jim Holt’s coattails.

Money can buy an election, if people like the candidate and if he seems credible. Beebe has not yet given anybody a reason to vote for him. November is a very long way off.

Broadcast July 19, 2006

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