Sunday, June 25, 2006

In Memory of Bob Harrison

Those of us who still miss Bob Harrison remember his early morning news blocks with Sharon Lee, his KOLL-95 days, and the wonderful evenings when he would broadcast from Ray Winder Field. Bob was such a great sportscaster that he made ME listen.

There is another Bob, but this one is named Bob Wall. You may have heard that he once did a very successful gig early mornings on an "urban" station in Chicago. Now, there is a site which has posted a recording of our friend from that happier time in the 1980's

Let us all remember that radio is the moral equivalent of circus. We should enjoy the parts that can be enjoyed, but not let it rule our lives. Bob is, in my opinion, the finest individual broadcaster to ever sit behind a microphone in Little Rock. He loves his kids, he loved his church, he loved his friends. Bob is so terribly missed.

Allow yourself a little trip down memory lane and enjoy some real vintage Harrison.

(I would love to hear one of those Travelers games.)

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