Friday, April 14, 2006

UPDATED: Hathorn on Halter

Make of this what you will.

Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor Mike Hathorn made a quick guest appearance on today's program on WAI You should be able to hear it in the FREE "on demand" archives soon.

Hathorn contends that Bill Halter's campaign has been conducting a "negative" campaign in the guise of a telephone poll, which is being conducted by some out of state firm. Hathorn has further charged that the pollsters get into "personal" attacks on his character.

Hathorn told me this morning that the specific questions have to do with his divorce.

Mike Hathorn went on to say that his ex-wife is a supporter of the campaign and has made a contribution.

Hathorn also unleashed a (well deserved attack, in my opinion) attack on Halter's money and carpetbagger status.

And there you have it.

UPDATED: A "usually reliable source" has led me to believe that Hathorn's allegations about the divorce questions is completely made up. That seems reasonable since most of the people I know (and that includes me) have been through a divorce. It would hardly seem like a "hot button:" issue. Does this make Mike Hathorn a liar? You decide, but I have my ideas.

As to Halter's money, you can figure that out for yourself.

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