Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday, Crime and Punishment

Today, in the calendar of the Christian year, we recall the most famous criminal trial in history. An intenerate preacher named Jesus was brought before the Roman governor Pontius Pilate on charges of sedition. This occured after the accused was arrested under cover of darkness and put up before an entirely illegal religious kangaroo court in the dead of night.

All of this was necessary because the defendant had only days before triumphantly entered the city to the cries of adoring fans. If there is one thing any good Pharase just hates, it’s adoring fans. None of the established church people wanted to lose their own cushy gigs, so it was curtains for Jesus. The entire thing was crooked as hell and all about jealousy. In over 2000 years I think we would have to agree how little things have changed.

Pilate was a real man of steel when the public opinion polls suddenly and unexpectedly turned against Jesus. He was perfectly willing to put a completely inoscent man to death if it meant keeping peace and quiet. Pilate had recently been in trouble with his bosses back in Rome over a Jewish insurrection, so peace and quiet had a value.

Remember the mob. Remember what the majority thought was such a great idea. "Crucify him!" I’m Pat Lynchn with news and comment on the Arkansas Priority radio network.

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