Thursday, April 13, 2006

Bill Chameides. is one of the top scientists in the world on the climate change issue. He is traveling in northwest Arkansas talking to business people, religious leaders, academics and public events and I have him set up for Friday morning at 9.

Homeless advocate Sandra Wilson is ready to drop over at 10.

Mark the Magician has the final Oaklawn report of this racing season at 11 to get you ready for the Arkansas Derby on Saturday.

Pat Classic is on 9 to 1 at WAI

Sorry Lyncho but I don't think its fair that I am going to have to sell my family's farm land to pay estate taxes. We already pay property taxes on this land every year, why isn't that enough?

I see this simply as a form of punishment by the government for a family who was successful by working hard. Which of course is something the government hates because they want us to be dependent on them!
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