
Thursday, March 30, 2006

Woody Anderson is running for Congress from the Third District and made a visit this morning. Where to begin? He is a military guy, which is always good for a Dem. He is against the federal minimum wage and thinks that is entirely a state issue. Anderson is a big-time backer of the Fort Smith Indian casino proposal. He thinks the war in Iraq was a bad idea, but that we owe it to the people of the armed services not to just "cut and run." Still, on the spending side of the budget, he makes Iraq number one for cuts. He adamantly opposed to reducing veteran benefits, Social Security or Medicare.

Unfortunately, he also speaks rationally about fiscal matters, including the dire need to fix the extravaganzas of the Bush administration. He used the dreaded "T-word." Doesn't he remember Walter Mondale?

This segment should be included in FREE "on demand" archives at WAI soon. Check it out.

In the same hour (10:00 March 30) Senator Lincoln has her weekly press briefing. You will get a kick out of the questions about the Fort Smith casino issue. Ron Breeding's question about a "200 year old treaty" is ahoot.

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