
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Wednesday Watch

A majority of Arkansans supports the idea of state legislation that would ban smoking in all workplaces, according to a survey of 500 registered voters. The poll, conducted by Opinion Research Associates Inc. and paid for by the American Cancer Society, found that 65 percent of survey respondents favored a smoking ban. Of those, 51 percent said they strongly favored such a measure.

The Stephens Media Group reports that per capita personal income in Arkansas grew by a modest 4.1 percent to $26,874 in fiscal 2005, five-tenths of a percentage point below the national rate and 48th among the states, federal Commerce Department statistics released Tuesday showed. Arkansas' per capita income ranked just ahead of hurricane-wracked Louisiana and Mississippi.

Robin Green will pass her duty as Benton County prosecuting attorney off to a grand jury in the investigation of the state police shooting of a mentally retarded man. The first grand jury in 25 years will convene Thursday before Benton County Circuit Judge David Clinger.

Tawny Janes and her husband, Jackie Janes of Gravette have been arrested on suspicion of bilking a 91-year-old woman out of more than half a million dollars. The couple moved into Dollie Ricketson's home in January and soon convinced the wheelchair-bound woman to add Tawny Janes' name to her checking account. A civil suit filed on Ricketson's behalf contends the Janeses also used drugs and gave PCP to Ricketson in her food or medicine to "further diminish her physical and mental abilities."

A Van Buren man is in the hospital after he allegedly killed his elderly mother and tried to kill himself. 62 year old Buford Titsworth of Van Buren was arrested on suspicion of first-degree murder and was transported to a Fort Smith hospital with multiple, self-inflicted stab wounds. Police found Cora Titsworth in her bed, dead from blunt-force trauma to the head.

Southwestern Energy, the leader in the exploration of natural gas in the Fayetteville Shale formation, will be building a permanent base of operations in Conway that will eventually employ 300 workers.

The Conway City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to place a 90-day moratorium on building permits in much of Old Conway’s residential area as part of an effort to preserve the neighborhood’s architectural character.

Lennox, an air conditioner and heater manufacturer will add 250 jobs to its plant in Stuttgart over the next five years.

The Jonesboro Sun reports that Universal Asset Management of Memphis will expand its Pocahontas plant by 10,000 SF and add 40 jobs for a Federal Aviation Administration repair station. The company already has an aircraft dismantling business in Walnut Ridge.

The Altheimer School Board rejected a new contract for the district’s superintendent Monday by a 3-1 margin, but agreed to continue efforts to raise money to keep the Jefferson County district afloat financially and to consider opening merger talks with boards of adjacent districts.

Pine Bluff,Ar and the Arkansas Dept. Of Corrections have distiguished themselves by being among the 160 governmental entities that have been duped by the Gothard derivitive ;Character Training Institute. Bill Gothard, Thomas Hill, Jeb Bush and Ray Nash, are not only religious extremist, they are wealthy nutcases sharing in an enterprise that produced over $ 63 million in profits last year. Below are a few articles generated by these dangerous Christian zealots.
BTW, Pine Bluff expects a 1,000 + people to show up at a " Character?" Breakfast tomorrow morning--3/30/06 where they'll ,no doubt, be regaled by such icons of chacter as Mayor Carl Redus and Ray Nash. Nash is a highly controversial Republican, South Carolinian, Bible Thumping, Gothardism Shill,Law Man who awarded his local church $ 29,000 as a personal tithe as the $ 29,000 was 10 % of a $ 290,000 grant awarded Sheriff Ray Nash by the Federal Marshalls Service. This crap is so hideous ,"nobody could make this stuff up!" !
Pine Bluff, AR and its civic leaders continue to distinguish themselves.
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