
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Wednesday too early

Under a pilot program announced Tuesday by North Little Rock Police Chief Danny Bradley, pharmacies in his city will soon begin feeding electronic information about buyers of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine into a national database.

A Monticello woman arrested Friday for failing to seek medical attention for her dying husband has been released on a $1,500 bond, according to police. Cynthia Johnson’s husband lay unconscious for at least seven hours on the on the couple’s kitchen floor,

The House and Senate Education Committees endorsed a plan Tuesday to direct $87 million to the state's public schools to address education fund deficiencies cited by the state Supreme Court.

The Morning News of Northwest Arkansas reports the state Legislature could be called into several short special sessions - rather than one long one - to respond to a state Supreme Court order on school funding deficiencies, Governor Huckabee says he is still waiting for consensus among lawmakers.

Students who attend Palestine-Wheatley Middle School are back in class in the elementary school and civic center in Wheatley after missing four days last week due to a fire at the middle school campus. Benchmark exams have been put off until next week. A fifteen-year-old boy was arrested last week in connection with the fire.

Levi Strauss, the jeans and Dockers maker is closing its Little Rock distribution center by the end of the year, which will mean the loss of 340 jobs.

Bennie Westphal has met with area ministers to discuss his plans to build a casino along the Arkansas River in Fort Smith.

Greenbrier is thinking about expanding the sewer system to new customers through the use of impact fees. The one-time fees would be paid before the owner of a house or building could hook onto the sewer system.

The retirement pension fund for Russellville firefighters is unstable and could deteriorate further, according to John Turbeville, vice president with Merrill Lynch in Little Rock who oversees the fund.

Hollywood stars Ray McKinnon and his wife, Arkansas native Lisa Blount, plan to buy a house in Little Rock, according to Linda Caillouet in today’s Democrat-Gazette. McKinnon plays a preacher in the HBO series Deadwood.

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