
Sunday, March 26, 2006

UPDATED: Congrats, Mike Anderson (maybe?)

Great news for former Hogs assistant Mike Anderson reported in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The fastest 40 minutes in basketball" is coming to the University of Missouri.

But, wait a minute. Here is another report from the same paper.

The University of Missouri System Board of Curators met for almost three hours today in an emergency meeting to discuss personnel matters, but no vote was taken on Mike Alden's tenure as athletics director.

Missouri spokes Joe Moore said immediately following the meeting that Alden still is the athletics director. No details were given concerning what was discussed in closed session.

And I thought this kind of stuff only happened in radio.

UPDATE: Anderson is OK with the circumstances of his hiring according to the . His wife is quoted extensively.

"I told him it was a smoke screen and to just go through it because when you get to the other side, it's going to be clear," Marcheita told her husband. "We cannot make decisions based on hearsay and what's going on. We were totally at peace with coming here for this job. ... We knew we were coming here and that decision wasn't going to change because of a little controversy."

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