
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Sun coming up on Tuesday

The Democrat-Gazette reports that a dozen motorists have come forward with information on what they saw the morning Arkansas State Trooper Larry Norman fatally shot Joseph Erin Hamley, state police said Monday. Hamley was buried yesterday. An unknown benefactor paid for the retarded man’s funeral.

Former Lonoke Police Chief Jay Campbell, his wife and two bail bondsmen pleaded innocent Monday in Lonoke County Circuit Court to felony charges arising from an investigation of drugs, sex and a state inmate-labor program.

The 17-year-old shot and wounded Sunday by an Arkansas State Police trooper was angry because his grandmother had told him to stop playing his violent video games. Allen Gann was being held in the Crittenden County jail in Marion on a $50,000 bond after authorities charged him in circuit court as an adult with aggravated assault.

An investigation is ongoing in a fire that heavily damaged the Regency Inn in Forrest City, which was seen as backdrop in the movie “Walk the Line.”

Little Rock’s homicide count for the year now stands at 15.

State Board of Education voted 5-4 to move ahead with ditching the current system of standardized tests -- which includes the state Benchmark exams and the nationally normed Iowa Test of Basic Skills -- in favor of a single "augmented" test.

The state would cap the percentage of a school district's budget that could be devoted to administration under draft legislation being reviewed, Gov. Mike Huckabee said Monday. A special session, or sessions, on education could be called in the next few weeks.

North Little Rock school patrons will decide to day on a debt restructuring to pay for renovations.

McKinley Hudson, an eighth-grade student from El Dorado spelled "acidulous" correctly to win the Arkansas State Spelling Bee and qualify for the national spelling bee in Washington, D.C.

I 've always believed ,by and large, the only difference between the cops and the robbers is that the cops are minutely more "gifted and talented" than the robbers;witness the fact cops have sense enough to wear badges and thus are provided a modicum of cover for their heinous behavior.However , the recent actions of Lonoke's finest as well as those of NW Arkansas further blurs any distinctions.
Probably unrelated to the above, shouldn't Grant Merrill consider updating his photo posted on the blog. Surely Grant has a picture that's not a part of his High School Sophomore Class grouping! Roy Murtishaw
Pine Bluff, AR
P.S. I'm looking forward to the eminent appearance of the youngest member of OBU Mafia.


NBC host Chris Matthews characterized Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) as a "maverick," "kind of a party renegade," and a "lone gun," despite acknowledging that McCain was "moving in towards" President Bush by requesting that conference attendees instead cast votes of support for Bush. Cook Political Report editor and publisher Charlie Cook also referred to McCain as a "maverick." Responding to Matthews' question about why the "Republican base ...don't like McCain," Cook said, "[T]he party regulars in general and Republican Party regulars in particular don't like mavericks or independents." Neither Matthews nor Cook explained how their characterization of McCain as a "maverick" was compatible with McCain's efforts to align himself with Bush -- efforts that Matthews explicitly contrasted with those of other prospective candidates who "are running very much all on their own." Matthews made his remarks on the March 10 edition of MSNBC's Hardball and on the March 11 edition of NBC's Nightly News.
Additionally, in covering the SRLC straw poll on MSNBC's Hardball, Matthews lavishly praised President Bush as "charming," referred to Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Ken Mehlman as "Kenny Boy" and said Mehlman was "very smart," and remarked on the "generosity of spirit" of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who "fits his Senate seat like a glove."
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