Monday, March 13, 2006

Jason Willett, Chairman of the state Democratic party, was interviewed this morning and it is already in the exclusive FREE "on demand" archives.
Willett says there was no deal made with Halter, and no call from Bill Clinton. He says that the other candidates in the Lieutenant Governor will remain. Willett outlines the five major talking points from the National Democratic party. We talk about Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, Mike Beebe, Jim Holt, and Asa Hutchinson. Give it a listen!
My God! Have you experienced a miraculous recovery and consequently been unplugged from life support! it just false hope? Nevertheless,your column in today's Demgaz is a sign the old Pat has a few breaths left. Your remarks about the hideous Arkansas political scene generally and Bill Falter specifically is commendable. A big FAT ATTABOY for Pat!
Speaking of things politically hideous , it seems especially appropriate you have the odious Jason Willett on your radio show today. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
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