
Thursday, March 09, 2006

Exit Halter, UPDATED

Bill Halter will enter the race for Lieutenant Governor. So far, no reaction from Drew Pritt. (Is he feeling well?)

Attorney General Mike Beebe, now the only announced Democratic candidate for Governor, took the news well.

Bill Halter called me this morning to let me know of his intention to run for lieutenant governor. I was surprised by his decision and appreciated his call. Mr. Halter focused on issues, remained positive and elevated the debate - and for that, all Arkansans should be grateful. While we will not have the spirited primary campaign to which I had been looking forward, my focus remains unchanged.

"Democrats and Arkansans from every political background are unifying around my candidacy for governor and our shared belief in more and better jobs, affordable and accessible health care and nothing but the best for our children's education.

"Over the years, I have worked with and known the candidates in the lieutenant governor's race. They are friends and have all been supporters of my candidacy. Mr. Halter's decision does not change the fact that neither I nor my campaign will be getting involved in the Democratic Primary for lieutenant governor."

Here is what Asa Hutchinson had to say.

"Bill Halter never really engaged in this campaign, so his dropping out doesn't change our strategy or significantly impact the race. When I first announced, I expected to have a difficult primary, and that Mike Beebe would not have one. So right now I feel like we're in pretty good shape.

"I will say this, though. Bill Halter first came onto the scene recognizing that Mr. Beebe does not offer the new kind of ideas needed to grow jobs and improve education. I agree with that. Mike Beebe has been a fixture in Little Rock for 20 years. I offer a bolder vision for Arkansas' future, and folks know where I stand on issues."

My pals over at Arkansas Times Blog have a load of good discussion and reaction on this important political story.

UPDATE: Drew Pritt checked in this evening.

"I have stated all along that Mike Beebe is the best candidate to be the next Governor of Arkansas. Mike Beebe is experienced and has a proven record of results. I now look forward to a healthy debate on the issues with my opponents. Mr. Halter's entrance into this race has not changed my plans at all. I was the first candidate to defend a woman's right to choose. I not only proposed an education lottery for Arkansas but actually did the work and wrote a proposal. I was the first candidate to speak out against the Bond Issue and helped to defeat this bill. The people of Arkansas need a Lt. Governor who will not just talk the talk, but fight the fights and get results for the people. I welcome Mr. Halter to the race for Lt. Governor. He brings an impressive resume and an obvious commitment to the Democratic Party and people of Arkansas."

Drew Pritt Rocks!!!!
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