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Friday, March 10, 2006

Don't give till it hurts

The 5-year-old Academics Plus Charter School, which routinely produces some of the highest standardized test scores in the Pulaski County area, will go out of business at the end of the day next Thursday unless supporters can raise $300,000 and find an insurance provider by that date.

The Democrat-gazette has a big story on it today.

Don't be an enabler. Do not help out the selfish control-freaks that ran off the school principal and Warren Stephens. When the principal was booted with little cause and obvious hatred, parents voted with their feet, and that is why state financial support is down. Enrollment is down because the new "owners" made bad choices.

This was once the finest primary school in Central Arkansas. It is a darned rotten shame.

Though the previous administration was doing some things right they simply were not doing an overall acceptable job of running the school. School officials are still sorting through the pile of unpaid bills and notices that they pushed aside.
None of this even matters. The previous principal was not what made the school, she was not the heart of the school. The school did not need her to succeed. Parents and teachers are happier and if previous officials had not left the school in a mess and were not currently suing the school it would not be in the mess it is in today.
The students and teachers did not cause the downfall of this school. Test scores are great and students, parents, and teachers are happy. Kids are learning and are enjoying it. Why in the world are you trying to punish them? Mr. Lynch does not have all the information and should not be on a mission to leave kids without a school and teachers with families without a job.
Please sir try and be a little more informed about the subjects you are trying to talk about. Someone who really cared about the truth would look at the scores and accomplishments of this school. You are only looking at what is wrong.

Yes attendence is down but still we are the finest school in Arkansas because our scores are above and beyond the states scores. We would only become a bad school if our schools test scores would go down and we the kids would just let our school die.

My advice to you is go out and actaully get some truth on what you are putting out and I agree with the earlier comment. Mr. Lynch stop trying to get it in the minds of people that our school is bad. And stop trying to break up a school that has become a family.

And by the way this is not an adult that is writing this. I am a tenth grader at Academics Plus Charter School and I bet that what I am writing is more of the truth than what you write.
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