Bigdaddio is at it again!
top ten razorback excuses after the loss to bucknell:
10) at least it wasn't "doe"nell!
9) coach heath almost raised his voice once!
8) distracted by a mitch mustain sighting!
7) just knew ronnie brewer would win on name recognition alone!
6) if it was horse shoes or hand grenades, we wuz close!
5) asked ourselves, "what would the football boys do?!"
4) texas is flat and so were we!
3) too much whiskey in the gatorade, again! ...or was it not enough?!
2) saving our legs for next year! we gonna pitch us a bitch next year!!
and the #1 razorback excuse after the loss to bucknell: "we need to go out and get us some brainy white kids!"
# posted by Pat Lynch : 9:13 PM