Friday, January 27, 2006

What to do about Ann ...

Just in case you missed this morning's story about Ann Coulter's speech at Philander Smith College, here is the quote of the day, torn from the pages of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

"We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice [John Paul] Stevens' creme brulee," she said, quickly offering a disclaimer. "That's just a joke, for you in the media."

A few thoughts.

1, Let's let's not punish Ms. Coulter for being a hateful idiot. Even hate speech is protected and a cherished right of all Americans. No need to call the Secret Service.

2. Philander Smith College is to be congratulated for presenting such a stimulating program for the entire community. This is the correct role of a college. Well done.

3. Harding University should have allowed Coulter despite her un-Christian attitudes. Either you are a University or a tire shop. Which is it, Harding U?

4. Because Coulter is tall, blonde and attractive, she feels a sense of entitlement which permits her to attack those she considers inferior to her own perfection.

5. It was a joke. Jokes are protected free speech, although they can open up a window into the soul of the one telling it.

6. A death by ingesting rat poison is so terribly painful and frightening, it is difficult to imagine how any sane person would find it entertaining.

7. Coulter classifies supposed liberals in the same way Nazis considered Jews, Catholics, Gypsies, and handicapped people. They are not worthy of consideration as human beings.

8. Somewhere in Holy Writ, and I am by no means a Bible scholar, it says that to hate someone is the same thing as murdering them. Thoughts are the same as actions if not controlled.

9. A Christian would not be allowed to pass an individual judgment on Ann Coulter, even though her "joke," and most of her routine is loaded with hatred, but we are commanded to judge an immoral deed. It may be that she has already repented, if such was necessary. Only God knows the human heart.

10. Ann Coulter needs our prayers and we need to be careful not to fall into the same trap of dismissing those we consider to be lesser people.

Well written, thank you!
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