Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Tuesday early stuff

Federal regulators affirmed a ruling expected to cost Entergy Arkansas Inc. customers hundreds of millions of dollars a year starting in 2007. As a result, Entergy Arkansas officials told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette they will exit the “system agreement” that led to the predicament, but that will not necessarily spare ratepayers the expense.

The state Crime Laboratory has completed an autopsy on the body of an Arkansas Tech University student and beauty queen, but the Russellville police decline to disclose the results.

A judge has thrown out a federal lawsuit in which a former Jacksonville High School student accused school officials of failing to protect her from being gang-raped by nine boys on the campus in 2003.

Former Atkins superintendent Al Davidson, who was suspended with pay in October for the remainder of the school year, and elementary principal Rebecca Sheets were apparently reimbursed for thousands of dollars worth of questionable expenses, according to documents obtained from the school district through a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, which is reported extensively today in the Russellville Courier.

The Bentonville School Board has approved the expulsion of a fourth grade student involved with recent threats in the district.

Money has been raised for all 207 members of the Fayetteville High School Band to participate in the Rose Parade on Jan. 2.

The Fayetteville Public Library Board of Trustees will ask voters to increase property taxes to remove the library from city funding.

The Jonesboro Sun reports that Junior linebacker Chris Littleton will play in tonight’s New Orleans Bowl game. Littleton was arrested Saturday night on a citation for alleged battery of a police officer and resisting an officer after an incident on one of the team’s tour buses. He was released on bond. According to the Jonesboro Police Department, Littleton has had at least three other run-ins with law enforcement.

A prize-winning duct tape prom gown inspired by a Picasso painting has won two Forrest City teens an extra honor -- inclusion in Parade magazine's "The Best and Worst of Everything" year-end wrapup. The largely tongue-in-cheek tribute to the best and worst cites Krystal Long and Casey Isringhouse for "The Best Taped Event."

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