Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Signs of the End Times

It is a sorry damned state of affairs, indeed, when I am forced to agree with one of the established defenders of big money and special interests. Nonetheless, it is impossible to argue with the Arkansas Trucking Association's opposition to the Governor's bond proposal.

The lead story in today's Morning News of Northwest Arkansas concerns a falling out between our senior pastor and the truckers. Naturally, the Huckster is defensive and pouty. He certainly has a unique view of how the game is played and the truckers aren't playing fair.

Truckers argue that, if passed, the bond measure gives the Highway Commission permanent spending authority without having to ask the people. While the highway Department enjoys constitutional independence, this is quite a change.

They also argue that half the proceeds go to interest payments. Anybody who has ever been scalpted by one of those out-of-state credit card companies cam appreciate that.

While it breaks my"tax and spend" heart to say so, this one needs to go down, and hard.

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