Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The allergies have been slowing me down, but I am not completely out of action. There are so many disturbing images from New Orleans, but we must not point fingers. Let's not go holding people accountable, unless it might be poor people or the Democrat Governor of Louisiana. OK, I'll come down from the pulpit. I guess America gets just about the government and the news coverage it deserves.

Tomorrow, beginning at 8 AM on WAI Radio.com, I shall rise above the know-nothings and partisan flacks to provide four hours of truly memorable commentary and conversation. I do know now that Maumelle Fire Chief, George Glenn will join me and he is very well briefed on such things as disaster relief. He is on at 11.

There are many hours of fine programs in the WAI Archives, and it is free.

Finally, Arkansas Business has a wonderful article about the future of radio and it has quite a bit to say about WAI, along with a good photograph of me. This one is going to be a collector's edition!

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