Thursday, August 25, 2005
Mari Serebrov is both a reporter and a historian. She visited this morning and the entire epic interview is in the WAI archives, which are linked in the left column. Mari’s subject is the grandfather of Arkansas’ brothers of judicial fame, Richard S. Arnold and Morris S. “Buzz” Arnold. W. H. Arnold, a Texarkana lawyer of the late 1800’s.
If you are a fan of real historic drama, akin to HBO’s Deadwood (without Mr. Wu’s favorite colloquial expression), pay close attention. This story takes you from the Civil War right into the horrors or reconstruction and mob justice. This interview will give you an insight into a part of Arkansas history that is little known. Sevebrov digs into contemporary newspapers and comes out with a fascinating story of suffering, mob justice, and a noble Southern ideal. The book signings are Saturday August 27 at Delta trust on Kavanaugh from 10 to noon, and Saturday September 8 at the UCA Archives, Torreyson Library in Conway, from 2 to 4 PM.