Wednesday, July 20, 2005

OK, Druggies, Pay Attention!

Warren K. Bickel, Ph.D., is director of the UAMS Center for Addiction Research and professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences in the UAMS College of Medicine. He was one of those always-enjoyable “gifted and talented “ additions to Pat Classic. The interview was broadcast “live” at 11 this morning and you will find it in the internet archives of WAI Radio,, which is linked on the left side.

Bickel has an interesting theory about addictive behavior that divides the brain into two operating sections. One of the “executive” and is the center of long-term thinking. That is the part that considers consequences and rewards. The other area is the “old brain” and it takes care of ordinary cravings, such as for food and drink. When one becomes addictive, if I get this right, the “old brain” overpowers the “executive.” It is interesting that UAMS has several innovative programs dealing with addictive behavior, after all this is the methamphetamine capitol of America. It was an outstanding interview.

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