Monday, July 18, 2005
Brummett on Karl Rove
By John Brummett
The latest John Brummett piece is a decent analysis of the Karl Rove case so far. I might suggest that we make Rove twist in the wind a bit longer in the criminal investigation. Brummett is brilliant, but I would like to humbly suggest that a "name" is an identity which only belongs to one person and, in this case, the identity should not have been confirmed. Whether or not he is ever charged with a crime, Rove is being exposed and so is his boss.
David Sanders is also in the Morning News of Northwest Arkansas and, amazingly, does not agree with me on the state budget surplus. I don't have him linked today, but I bet you can find it. Unfortunate opinion, but a good read. My Democrat-Gazette column said exactly the opposite.
If you haven't seen my exclusive photo of the bloodthirsty young Sanders, scroll down. You will get a laugh.