Friday, July 08, 2005

Benedict XVI Continues Tradition of Papal Concern for Animals

PETA may not be your favorite left-wing looney pressure group, but I would like to commend the above linked feature as worthy of consideration.

Molly found this item which outlines Catholic Church teaching on animals. It contains the views of the late Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI. It is worth considering how we should treat animals and what is the moral underpinning of that position. I would have a lot of arguments with these guys, but I think they are right on target this time.

Benedict says that animals have the "breath of life," just the same as human beings. H says they have "souls." He did not say that they had "immortal souls" or that they were completely equal to human beings. This would tend to suggest that there are absolute limits on how animals may be treated.

I guess the Farm Bureau or the Poultry Federation won't like this one damn bit.

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