Monday, July 04, 2005

49 hot dogs in 12 minutes!

Fast breaking news from the Associated Press.

This is one bigger than all the important news developments reported on by Max and the gang at the Arkansas Times blog. They have plenty on how the low education levels keep big companies out of the South (as if that is some sort of surprise),a review of the big concert at Ray Winder, and an item about oppression of fat people. The indolent and slothful staff of Lynch at Large congratulates Arkansas Times (linked in the left column) for reporting circles around us, and everybody else, even on a holiday weekend.

Still, we were able to come up with the complete report on this year's Nathan's hot dog eating contest. Japan gets even for ... er ... .Maybe we should just say that the coveted mustard colored belt will be going back where it has been most of the past decades.

Perhaps tomorrow morning I will ask Arkansas Democrat-Gazette editorial page editor Paul Greenberg to give an opinion as to why America seems incapable of producing a champion hot dog eater. (That's at 10:00 Tuesday morning on WAI and, yes, this is a shameless self-promotion.)

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